Wednesday, 2 July 2014


A: Can you help x and y financially; I can give them half of what we need - if you can manage the other half. Anyway, no pressure - I've not mentioned it to anyone, so no one's going to feel let down if you can't. 

B: No, sorry I can't. It's a great idea - I just can't help at this time. 

A: Oh, dam. Well, that's a shame. I'll let z know that it can't happen. 

A: Oh, I see you can give some money to Q and U but not x and y. Well that's typical. Shows how little you care. This was a chance for you to redeem yourself in x and y and z eyes. They're really upset about it. 

B: I'm not giving any money to Q and U. I'm sorry I couldn't help. I doubt I can ever redeem myself. 

What happened to no pressure?

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